Gw bukan orang yang bobonya motah. Kalo uda di 1 posisi, ya gitu aja terus ampe pagi (kecuali kalo tengah malam kebangun :P). Dan posisi bobo gw tuh miring, entah kenapa kaga bisa bobo ngadep atas. Mungkin karena ada paranoid, kalo bobo ngadep atas terus posisi lehernya ga bner, ntar besok paginya leher gw kaku dengan posisi yang aneh. Jadi err.. bayangan menakutkan ini yang bikin gw ga nyaman bobo ngadep atas. Ridicilous? I know... cuma yah ini pemikiran yang dah bercokol lama sih, jadi uda dibawah alam sadar gtuh.
Nah kalo hubby gw seh beda. Dia emang posisi bobonya ngadep atas. Biasanya kalo miring, besokannya dia ngeluh bahu n tangan dia sakit sebelah.
Kemaren tutumbenan si hubby bilang, "Kamu bobonya miring gitu emangnya baek buat baby? Bukannya kalo bobonya ngadep atas lebih baik ya?". Well.. I never thought that before! Tapi gw dah 3 watt, jadi yah.. gw mikir besok aje gw tanya si mbah Google haha!
Nah, jadi hari ini gw langsung cek n nemu ini..
Dari Welcome Baby Home and Baby Center:
Why Sleeping on the back and tummy is a NO..
• As your belly expands, sleeping on your expanded belly not only becomes impossible; it is also uncomfortable (don't worry your baby won't get squashed inside should you sleep on your belly)
• The back position causes the entire weight of your pregnant uterus to rest on your back, intestines and the two major blood vessels. A fair share of complications may result in the mother because of this.
• Backaches and hemorrhoids worsen, digestion becomes less efficient, breathing becomes difficult and low blood pressure may occur, causing some expectant moms to experience dizziness. On the other hand, in some moms-to-be it can make blood pressure go up.
• Finally, back sleeping can cause snoring and, with increased weight, could lead to sleep apnea.
• If you rest on your back the large vein or vena cava which transports blood from the lower body to the heart will be affected.
• When resting on your back even for a short while, prop up your upper body with pillows to reduce the pressure on the vena cava. This is essential as any interference with blood supply to the placenta means nutrients and oxygen supply to the fetus will be affected
The Best position..
• Side-lying positions with lots of pillows for additional support and comfort are ideal.
• It is best to lie on your left side instead of the right whenever possible so that baby receives its nutrients uninterrupted.
• Cross one leg over the other with a pillow in between is best for both mother and baby. This position not only optimizes blood flow to the placenta but also ensures smooth functioning of the kidneys.
• Efficient kidney function means better elimination of fluids and this in turn reduces the chances of odema (swelling of the ankles, feet, hands)
• Occasionally you may revert to sleeping on your back or tummy because you are just not used to your new position. No harm done here. Both positions bring no harm to the fetus; the fetus is well cushioned to suffer from any pressure on the maternal body
Jadi mulai sekarang, yang ga biasa bobo nyamping ya harus dibiasakan looo. Apalagi kalo hamil muda, biasakan karena efeknya baru kerasa pas hamil tua :)
Friday, June 22, 2012
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