Friday, May 25, 2012

Miss U So Muach!

Miss my hubby...

Hubby balik Indo hari ini buat ngambil bacang. Kan Sabtu kemaren (端午節). Biasanya mama mertua gw bikin bacang buat dibagi-bagiin ke anak-anaknya. Sekali bikin bisa 100 biji bacang ukuran sedang.

Anyway.. kemaren malam gw kebangun gara-gara nightmare aneh -_-! Sampe ngebangunin hubby

Hubby: napa..?
Me: nightmare..
Hubby: hmmm? *Maklum, kan masih setengah bobo*
Me: nightmareee
Hubby: nightmarenya apa?
Me: kaya.. horror movie gitu lah
Hubby: iya, kaya horror movie apa? Sy juga nightmare kaya horror movie..
Me: vampires.. Wopie ne?
Hubby: .. monster..
Me: ... cewe / cowo? *soalnya di mimpi gw, vampirenya cewe haha! Gw mikir, kalo mimpinya sama... hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...*
Hubby: monster! kok cewe / cowo
Me: ..... *oh, jadi kalo monster tuh kaga ada cewe / cowo yah :P*

Hubby then slept while hugging me *heart melts* :). I felt safe.. and warm (maklum, udara akhir-akhir nih lagi panas-panasnya n selimut kita tuh tebel bangett. Belom lagi, dipeluk kaya gitu... panas buangettttt)

And now.. hubby go back to his hometown, leaving me n baby here :( I hope I won't have a nightmare tonite. Nobody will comfort me tonite T^T

It's amazing that even though we have been married for 2 years, but I still missing him when he is not around.

Ga harus pas dia travelling.. Pas gw di kantor aja gw masih suka kangen, sampe suka telepon just to hear his voice...

Hix.. n I miss him soooo much nowww T^T

Hunny please come back soon..

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