Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Accident in the MRT Station - 5 Dec 2006

Hari ini waktu mau pergi ke kantor, saya di sms cici saya, katanya ga ada MRT ke arah Marina Bay. Wah.. gimana saya ke kantornya?? Kalo pake East-West Line bisa-bisa sampe kantor telat 1 jam! Saya cepat-cepat telepon BB.

Di MRT Station udah penuh orang. Waktu saya lagi kebingungan n mau nunggu MRT ke arah Jurong East, eee.....MRTnya dah datang. Penuuuuuh banget! Ya iya laa, orang-orang yang dari tadi nungguin MRT pada berjubel mau masuk.

Sampai di kantor, saya dapat sms lagi dari cici saya. Katanya ada yang bunuh diri di Yishun, loncat ke MRT track.

Saya cek di internet, bener aja...

A track accident occurred at 6.48am at Yishun MRT and service was disrupted until 8.15am between Sembawang and Yio Chu Kang. SMRT personnel were quick to resume service within an hour and a half by first moving the body and keeping it below the platform gap while they put powder to prevent it from decaying as train services continued. The Indian national was pronounced dead at the scene at 7:30 am. Police have classified the case as an unnatural death, and are in the midst of investigating the case further. The body was eventually removed at 9.47am and promptly sent to the mortuary via a police van.

Kecelakaan/ bunuh diri di MRT sini emang ga sering sih dibandingin di Hong Kong, tapi tetap aja ada. Penyebabnya juga macam-macam. Ini list MRT accidents yang saya dapat dari internet:

A man was killed when he was hit by an MRT train near Marsiling station at about 11.40pm on Nov 30 2002. The Malaysian was walking along the MRT tracks when he was hit by a northbound train about 500 m from the station.

A 25 year old Chinese female teacher was run over by a train at Ang Mo Kio MRT station shortly before 7pm on 11 Jan 2003 after she got too near the platform after being too engrossed in the book that she was reading.

Jadi penasaran....dia baca buku apa yach... :P

A 31 year old Chinese man, a resident of Kim Keat, was found trapped under a train and died after falling on the track in front of an oncoming train at Bishan MRT station at about 1pm on Jul 28 2004.

A SAF Warrant Officer fell onto the tracks at Bukit Batok MRT station at about 1.50pm on 14 August 2004 and was hit by a train heading to Jurong East. His toes were crushed and he also suffered cuts to his head and body, but he survived and was warded at the National University Hospital.

On 31 August 2004, a lady in her 40s was hit by a train after she fell on to the tracks at Redhill MRT station. She suffered head injuries and was sent to the Singapore General Hospital.

On 31 August 2004, at about 1.50pm, a Chinese lady fell off the Bukit Batok MRT platform and was hit by an oncoming train heading to Jurong East. She suffered multiple fractures and was pronounced dead at the scene.

A 74-year-old man, who was a resident of Toa Payoh died when he fell and was hit by an oncoming northbound train at Bishan MRT station in the afternoon of Sep 15 2004.

Yang berikut ini cukup terkenal... sampai bisa dibilang kalo ini salah satu yang namanya 'mati konyol'.

On 25 March 2005, a Malay man was killed by a train in the direction of Pasir Ris as he went down the tracks at Buona Vista MRT station to retrieve his shoe.

Sepatunya merk apa yah ampe dia ga rela tu sepatu kegilas MRT....ampe mati bersama sang sepatu tercinta -_-!

On 28 December 2005, a thirty-two-year-old Indian man died within minutes after he accidentally slipped onto the tracks at Kallang MRT station and was subsequently hit by an oncoming west-bound train.

On 17 September 2006, 26-year-old Jenny Low Siew Mui was pushed down off the platform on to the tracks and was slightly injured, an oncoming train having almost hit her. She saw the train coming towards her and had managed to climb over towards the side of the tracks (opposite the station platform). A Malaysian man, 26-year-old Kwong Kok Hing who pushed her onto the tracks was arrested by police after passers-by pinned him to the ground as he tried to escape. Kwong had pushed her over after a quarrel in which he refused to break-up with her.

Makanya, kalau mau putus ama pacar, ngomongnya jangan di MRT Station hihihi :D

In the evening of 18 October 2006, a Chinese man was killed at the Chinese Garden MRT station after being hit by a train going towards Boon Lay. The victim was suspected of committing suicide, aggravated by poverty.

Selama ini saya suka aneh juga, kenapa kok kecelakaan beginian ga digembar gembor di berita TV atau koran dsbnya. Katanya sih dulu ada orang Malay yang meninggal bunuh diri ditabrak MRT, setelah diselidiki ternyata dia bunuh dirinya karena miskin (banyak kasus yang serupa'lah). Pemberitaannya tersebar dimana-mana, dan banyak orang yang kasihan dengan keluarganya akhirnya pada nyumbang uang. Nah, tau karena masalah ini akhirnya membuat orang-orang miskin lainnya ambil jalan pintas yang sama (dengan pikiran, kalo dia mati bunuh diri -> diberitain dimana-mana -> orang-orang nyumbang -> keluarganya cukup makan), jadi akhirnya kalau ada yang bunuh diri gini udah ga digembar gembor lagi, biar ga menarik perhatian n ga terjadi kasus serupa di masa mendatang.

Tapi saya yakin kalau kejadian beginian akan terus ada selama MRT platformnya ga dibatasi pintu. Pendapat dibawah ini sangat saya setuju:

SMRT has so far refused to build platform screen doors in all their above ground stations saying that it costs too much money. I can confidently say that if they had built these platform doors, none of the above accidents and deaths would happen. Yes, the suicidal people will still end up dead one way or another but at least, not on the MRT tracks.

Karena kecelakaan di MRT ga selalu karena bunuh diri. Ada yang karena sakit dan dia berdiri terlalu pinggir. Begitu dia pingsan, jatuh deh ke MRT track n ketabrak MRT. Bagaimana kalau yang berdiri ga terlalu pinggir sih, tapi ada orang gila yang ngedorong? Banyak kemungkinan seseorang jatuh ke MRT track dan untuk menghindarinya ya..itu salah satu tugas SMRT loo.... Kalau udah urusannya nyawa orang, haruskah kita tetap memikirkan ongkos pembangunan yang jumlahnya besar? Toh SG'kan ga miskin :P

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