Hari ini cukup ditunggu-tunggu ama Wolfie n me. Hari ini kita bakalan nonton musical drama Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella. Yay!!
Yang jadi cinderellanya Lea Salonga!! :D
Kita beli tiketnya pake UOB Card, jadi dapat diskon hihihihi :P Lumayan.... Seperti biasa, kita beli yang matinee, hari Minggu jam 2 pm.
Musicalnya kereenn... Of course ngga bisa dibandingin ama Phantom Of The Opera sehh (dulu pernah dibahas di posting yang ini)... Tapi paling ngga, di musical yang ini banyak adegan lucu yang memancing penonton tertawa ^^
Kalo mo lihat "kaya apa seh", mungkin bisa lihat clip berikut ini :)
Ok khaannn... :)
Ceritanya seh pasti udah pada tau. Tapi mungkin di musical ini dibuat agak berbeda ama versi Disney yang cukup terkenal :P
Diawali dengan pengumuman bahwa Sang Pangeran mau mengadakan pesta dansa untuk mencari calon istri. Semua orang heboh, gimana ngga....
... wong pangerannya cakep gitu lho :P
Nah, ini dia mama tiri (yang ditengah) n 2 saudara tirinya Cinderella.
Cinderella diperlakukan kaya pembantu. Bahkan dia ngga punya kamar tidur. Kayanya dia tidur di dapur -__-!
Paling ngga, Cinderella ngga kesepian karena dia punya tikus sebagai teman.
Sementara itu sang raja sibuk mempersiapkan pesta.
Well... sebenarnya sih yang ngadain pestanya itu sang ratu dan sang raja n pangeran cuma pasrah aja nerima -__-! Rajanya agak err... pelit hahaha! Waktu tau sang ratu mo ngadain pesta, dia langsung concern ama duit dia. Belum lagi dia stress waktu lihat barang-barang n makanan yang harus dipersiapkan. Listnya panjuanggggg banget hahaha!
And as we all know, Cinderella ngga diperbolehkan ikut pesta dansanya, dan yah... dia hanya bisa menerima dengan pasrah.
Saudara tirinya semua siap dengan gaun mereka yang err... norak? XP
Sementara itu, sang ibu tiri berusaha mengajarkan anak-anaknya bagaimana caranya merayu sang pangeran (Adegan ini lucuuuuu bangettt!! Saudara tiri Cinderellanya bloon n konyol banget)
Nah, waktu semua orang pada pergi, Cinderella bertemu dengan Fairy Godmother-nya n ceritain tentang mimpi dia, bahwa dia bisa pergi ke pesta dengan kereta kuda yang terbuat dari labu, kusir dari tikus dsbnya. Nah disini emang beda ama yang versi Disney, karena disini semua yang terjadi pada diri Cinderella itu emang semuanya ide n mimpi Cinderella, Fairy Godmother-nya hanya mengabulkan doank :)
Anyway... mereka pergi ke taman n bertemu dengan para tikus yang akhirnya diubah menjadi manusia.
Fairy Godmother use her magic....
And tadaaa... Jadi deh kereta kuda yang siap dikendarai :)
Cinderella datang n menarik perhatian semua orang..
...termasuk sang Pangeran yang langsung menyambutnya...
Sang pangeran sudah menemukan gadis impiannya.
And they dance all night long....
Sampai jam 12 malam n Cinderellanya pergi tanpa meninggalkan nama (kaya peribahasa aje :P)
Hanya meninggalkan 1 sepatu kaca..
Sang pangeran memerintahkan bawahannya untuk mencari pemilik sepatu kaca tsb. Semua wanita mencoba memakai sepatu kaca tsb.
... tidak terkecuali sodara Cinderella yang satu ini (Udah ga muat, masih aja dipaksain XD)
Tapi hasilnya nihil... Ngga ada yang cocok. Sepatu kaca pun dikembalikan kepada sang pangeran.
Bagaimana dengan Cinderella? Well... waktu titah itu diturunkan, Cinderella lagi pergi ke taman istana. Ceritanya mungkin mau mengenang malam waktu dia berdansa dengan sang pangeran.
Kebetulan di taman itu dia bertemu dengan sang pangeran yang kemudian memakaikan sepatu kaca tsb n ternyata cocok! (Ya iya laa -__-!)
Akhirnya Cinderella menikah dengan sang Pangeran...
Tapi sebelumnya.... dapat nasehat dulu dari Fairy Godmother-nya :)
N they live happilly ever after :)
All photos taken from http://www.cinderellaonstage.com/about.php
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Time Out!! - A Call to Re-Introspect the Sexual Trend in Our Society - Part III
Saya ingat, dulu waktu SMP ada 1 guru mengatakan kalau otak manusia itu seperti kamera yang merekam kejadian-kejadian yang dilihat. Kejadian yang hanya terlihat sekian detik bisa tersimpan di otak selama jangka waktu yang lama.
Saat ini hampir semua film menampilkan adegan seks. Walaupun sebagian besar adalah film Barat, tapi itu bukan berarti film-film Asia ngga menampilkan adegan tsb. Saat ini sepertinya film-film Asia pun sudah mulai "berani". So? Kalau film-film Barat mulai meningkatkan intensitas penayangan adegan-adegan seks, dan film-film Asia pun sudah mulai menayangkan adegan-adegan syur, maka yang jadi masalah adalah bagaimana dampak film-film tersebut pada para penontonnya.
Silakan baca artikel berikut ini. Click the article to enlarge...
Disini dijelaskan tentang pengaruh TV (yang menayangkan adegan seks) dengan peran orang tua terhadap pendidikan seks anak.
Memang tidak bisa menyalahkan sepenuhnya pada TV. Orang tua juga harus bertindak. Dan ga bisa berpikir, "Anak saya aktif di gereja, saya ga perlu kuatir..". Well... mengutip dari artikel diatas, "no teen is immune to sexual desire or sexual pressure, even the most commited evangelical".
Baru-baru ini ada berita heboh
The four-footer — who looks no more than eight — said: “I know I’m young, but I plan to be a good dad.”
As he went on the PlayStation with 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, he added: “I think we’ll be good parents. I’ll have to work extra hard at school.”
It is a typical teenage bolthole — packed tight with cuddly toys including a giant pink teddy. A school gymnastics certificate is proudly displayed on the wall.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse hold hands, surrounded by lovehearts, on the headboard of her bed — where Maisie was conceived when Alfie was just 12 and Chantelle 14.
Their story, revealed by The Sun yesterday, rocked Britain.
Even Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke out, commenting: “I think all of us would want to avoid teenage pregnancies.”
But Chantelle insisted: “When I was pregnant the police and social workers came to interview us and they decided that we would make good parents to Maisie.
“Now we will prove to everyone that we can be, and give her a great future. When Alfie is 16 he can come and live here with me and my family.
“We don’t want to get a flat because we wouldn’t have enough money and I want us both to stay in school to make the best future for Maisie.”
The pair’s parents have been singled out for criticism. Both knew Alfie and Chantelle were “dating” but said they did NOT know the relationship was sexual.
Alfie lives with mum Nicola, 43, in a £395,000 detached home in nearby Hailsham.
A cheeky message in the window reads: “I am horny.”
Neighbour John Holmes, 90, said: “I have always found them very nice, but I know a lot of neighbours have complained about her noisy parties.”
Nicola is separated from Alfie’s dad Dennis, a 45-year-old father of ten, including three stepkids.
He said: “How were we to know what they were up to? To us they were just kids — we’re as shocked as everyone else.”
He said the child couple hid the pregnancy for six weeks and added: “I feel that the doctor that told them she was pregnant should have told an adult.”
Chantelle lives with mum Penny, 38, dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a council house.
The family survive on benefits. But Penny explained: “Steve is a fisherman and work is sparse.
“I need to be at home to look after Maisie and my other children so that Chantelle can go to school in April and take her GCSEs. What’s important now is Chantelle’s career and her family and that this mistake does not mean she cannot have the same dreams as any other 15-year-old.”
Penny also dismissed a neighbour’s allegations that she had let THREE other boys stay overnight with Chantelle.
Sean Thomas, 20, claimed: “She is not a young innocent girl who got pregnant with the first boy who came along.”
Furious Penny hit back: “It’s rubbish. Chantelle lost her virginity to Alfie.”
Chantelle gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie in Eastbourne Hospital on Monday.
Social Services in Eastbourne admitted to “concerns” over the case but vowed to give “all their support”, including intensive monitoring. Police said they had investigated but had decided to take no further action as it was “not in anyone’s interests” to prosecute.
Julie Vine, 37, whose daughter goes to Cavendish School with Chantelle, said: “I feel sorry for them both. It’s not the school’s fault, it’s a very good school.”
A family friend said Alfie had been thrilled when he learned he was going to be a dad.
Becky Holmes, 19, said: “He is a lovely little boy.
“When he found out his girlfriend was pregnant he paid my baby girl so much attention.
“I was pretty shocked but he’s a natural with babies, even though he still looks like one himself.
“He’s so tiny, he doesn’t even look his age. But he says he’s ready for it.” Another family friend, 28-year-old David Lee, said: “I am really shocked. I didn’t know anything about it. I was only round there two weeks ago playing Xbox games with him.
“He didn’t say anything. You would think being a few days away from being a dad he might have mentioned it.”
Children’s Secretary Ed Balls said: “You look at that young lad being a dad when he is so young — and also the teenage girl — and you think it’s not right, this looks so terrible.
“Our first reaction has got to be to make sure that the young lad, the teenage mum and the baby get all the support they need.
“And it’s also vital that we do everything we can to make sure that these kind of teenage pregnancies don’t happen in the future.”
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, who runs the Centre for Social Justice think tank, said: “It exemplifies the point we have been making about Broken Britain.
“It’s not being accusative, it’s about pointing out the complete collapse in some parts of society of any sense of what’s right and wrong.”
Local MP Nigel Waterson said: “This is a very sad story which will have a huge impact on both the parents and the child.
“I’m very pleased that the families are being supportive, but this of course raises huge questions about sex education, and also about the sexualisation of our society.”
Hmm... sang ayah bilang kalau ngurus anak itu ga susah. Yah.. kalau lihat umurnya, mungkin dia anggap anaknya kaya adik kali ya? Jadi ga sampai kepikiran kalau dia suatu hari harus mendidik anaknya sampai gimanaa gitu -__-!
Di SG sendiri, walaupun memang sudah banyak yang menganut gaya hidup pergaulan bebas, tapi masih ada juga kok yang tidak begitu..
Silakan baca surat pembaca yang satu ini :)
Dan ini reply-nya (Dari sesama pembaca juga ^^)
Sexual trend sudah menyebar dimana-mana dan melalui berbagai media. Dikemas sedemikian rupa sehingga kita akhirnya kurang peduli, dan kadang menganggap itu sesuatu yang biasa. Saya suka 1 film komedi serian. Film ini cukup terkenal. Waktu saya share dengan Wolfie, dia bilang,
Wolfie: "Film itu tidak mendidik. Tokoh-tokohnya suka gonta ganti pasangan. Free sex".
Me: "Yah... namanya juga film Barat, pasti ada "begituan"nya. Lagian ini film komedi...".
Wolfie: "Justru itu!! Karena dikemas dalam film komedi, kamu jadi ga sadar pesan dibalik itu. Yang kaya begitu justru yang berbahaya! Lama-lama orang menganggap 'oh.. free sex itu ga apa-apa..'"
Pertamanya saya merasa reaksi dia terlalu berlebihan, tapi sesudah dipikir kembali.. mungkin ada benarnya. Iblis itu licik sekali, dia tahu kalau banyak orang yang ditawari pornografi mungkin mereka menolak, tapi ditawari film drama/ komik/ novel/ film komedi/ pertunjukkan (yang sarat dengan adegan sex) mungkin mereka masih menerima. "Toh itu'kan bukan inti ceritanya. Adegan sex 'kan cuma jadi "bumbu pemanis" doank... Ini bukan nonton fim porno kok. Cuma film biasa yang kebetulan banyak adegan gituannya". Yah... kalau udah begitu, siapa yang dibohongi? Hati nurani?
Karena itu, kita tidak boleh lupa dengan Firman Tuhan yang satu ini...
Sebab itu siapa yang menyangka, bahwa ia teguh berdiri, hati-hatilah supaya ia jangan jatuh!
Saat ini hampir semua film menampilkan adegan seks. Walaupun sebagian besar adalah film Barat, tapi itu bukan berarti film-film Asia ngga menampilkan adegan tsb. Saat ini sepertinya film-film Asia pun sudah mulai "berani". So? Kalau film-film Barat mulai meningkatkan intensitas penayangan adegan-adegan seks, dan film-film Asia pun sudah mulai menayangkan adegan-adegan syur, maka yang jadi masalah adalah bagaimana dampak film-film tersebut pada para penontonnya.
Silakan baca artikel berikut ini. Click the article to enlarge...
Disini dijelaskan tentang pengaruh TV (yang menayangkan adegan seks) dengan peran orang tua terhadap pendidikan seks anak.
Memang tidak bisa menyalahkan sepenuhnya pada TV. Orang tua juga harus bertindak. Dan ga bisa berpikir, "Anak saya aktif di gereja, saya ga perlu kuatir..". Well... mengutip dari artikel diatas, "no teen is immune to sexual desire or sexual pressure, even the most commited evangelical".
Baru-baru ini ada berita heboh
13 yrs old Father & 15yrs old mother
INNOCENT-eyed Alfie Patten spent his first night acting as a 13-year-old dad and declared: "It was easier than I thought."
The four-footer — who looks no more than eight — said: “I know I’m young, but I plan to be a good dad.”
As he went on the PlayStation with 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, he added: “I think we’ll be good parents. I’ll have to work extra hard at school.”
It is a typical teenage bolthole — packed tight with cuddly toys including a giant pink teddy. A school gymnastics certificate is proudly displayed on the wall.
Mickey and Minnie Mouse hold hands, surrounded by lovehearts, on the headboard of her bed — where Maisie was conceived when Alfie was just 12 and Chantelle 14.
Their story, revealed by The Sun yesterday, rocked Britain.
Even Prime Minister Gordon Brown spoke out, commenting: “I think all of us would want to avoid teenage pregnancies.”
But Chantelle insisted: “When I was pregnant the police and social workers came to interview us and they decided that we would make good parents to Maisie.
“Now we will prove to everyone that we can be, and give her a great future. When Alfie is 16 he can come and live here with me and my family.
“We don’t want to get a flat because we wouldn’t have enough money and I want us both to stay in school to make the best future for Maisie.”
The pair’s parents have been singled out for criticism. Both knew Alfie and Chantelle were “dating” but said they did NOT know the relationship was sexual.
Alfie lives with mum Nicola, 43, in a £395,000 detached home in nearby Hailsham.
A cheeky message in the window reads: “I am horny.”
Neighbour John Holmes, 90, said: “I have always found them very nice, but I know a lot of neighbours have complained about her noisy parties.”
Nicola is separated from Alfie’s dad Dennis, a 45-year-old father of ten, including three stepkids.
He said: “How were we to know what they were up to? To us they were just kids — we’re as shocked as everyone else.”
He said the child couple hid the pregnancy for six weeks and added: “I feel that the doctor that told them she was pregnant should have told an adult.”
Chantelle lives with mum Penny, 38, dad Steve, 43, and her five brothers in a council house.
The family survive on benefits. But Penny explained: “Steve is a fisherman and work is sparse.
“I need to be at home to look after Maisie and my other children so that Chantelle can go to school in April and take her GCSEs. What’s important now is Chantelle’s career and her family and that this mistake does not mean she cannot have the same dreams as any other 15-year-old.”
Penny also dismissed a neighbour’s allegations that she had let THREE other boys stay overnight with Chantelle.
Sean Thomas, 20, claimed: “She is not a young innocent girl who got pregnant with the first boy who came along.”
Furious Penny hit back: “It’s rubbish. Chantelle lost her virginity to Alfie.”
Chantelle gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie in Eastbourne Hospital on Monday.
Social Services in Eastbourne admitted to “concerns” over the case but vowed to give “all their support”, including intensive monitoring. Police said they had investigated but had decided to take no further action as it was “not in anyone’s interests” to prosecute.
Julie Vine, 37, whose daughter goes to Cavendish School with Chantelle, said: “I feel sorry for them both. It’s not the school’s fault, it’s a very good school.”
A family friend said Alfie had been thrilled when he learned he was going to be a dad.
Becky Holmes, 19, said: “He is a lovely little boy.
“When he found out his girlfriend was pregnant he paid my baby girl so much attention.
“I was pretty shocked but he’s a natural with babies, even though he still looks like one himself.
“He’s so tiny, he doesn’t even look his age. But he says he’s ready for it.” Another family friend, 28-year-old David Lee, said: “I am really shocked. I didn’t know anything about it. I was only round there two weeks ago playing Xbox games with him.
“He didn’t say anything. You would think being a few days away from being a dad he might have mentioned it.”
Children’s Secretary Ed Balls said: “You look at that young lad being a dad when he is so young — and also the teenage girl — and you think it’s not right, this looks so terrible.
“Our first reaction has got to be to make sure that the young lad, the teenage mum and the baby get all the support they need.
“And it’s also vital that we do everything we can to make sure that these kind of teenage pregnancies don’t happen in the future.”
Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith, who runs the Centre for Social Justice think tank, said: “It exemplifies the point we have been making about Broken Britain.
“It’s not being accusative, it’s about pointing out the complete collapse in some parts of society of any sense of what’s right and wrong.”
Local MP Nigel Waterson said: “This is a very sad story which will have a huge impact on both the parents and the child.
“I’m very pleased that the families are being supportive, but this of course raises huge questions about sex education, and also about the sexualisation of our society.”
Hmm... sang ayah bilang kalau ngurus anak itu ga susah. Yah.. kalau lihat umurnya, mungkin dia anggap anaknya kaya adik kali ya? Jadi ga sampai kepikiran kalau dia suatu hari harus mendidik anaknya sampai gimanaa gitu -__-!
Di SG sendiri, walaupun memang sudah banyak yang menganut gaya hidup pergaulan bebas, tapi masih ada juga kok yang tidak begitu..
Silakan baca surat pembaca yang satu ini :)
Wolfie: "Film itu tidak mendidik. Tokoh-tokohnya suka gonta ganti pasangan. Free sex".
Me: "Yah... namanya juga film Barat, pasti ada "begituan"nya. Lagian ini film komedi...".
Wolfie: "Justru itu!! Karena dikemas dalam film komedi, kamu jadi ga sadar pesan dibalik itu. Yang kaya begitu justru yang berbahaya! Lama-lama orang menganggap 'oh.. free sex itu ga apa-apa..'"
Pertamanya saya merasa reaksi dia terlalu berlebihan, tapi sesudah dipikir kembali.. mungkin ada benarnya. Iblis itu licik sekali, dia tahu kalau banyak orang yang ditawari pornografi mungkin mereka menolak, tapi ditawari film drama/ komik/ novel/ film komedi/ pertunjukkan (yang sarat dengan adegan sex) mungkin mereka masih menerima. "Toh itu'kan bukan inti ceritanya. Adegan sex 'kan cuma jadi "bumbu pemanis" doank... Ini bukan nonton fim porno kok. Cuma film biasa yang kebetulan banyak adegan gituannya". Yah... kalau udah begitu, siapa yang dibohongi? Hati nurani?
Karena itu, kita tidak boleh lupa dengan Firman Tuhan yang satu ini...
Sebab itu siapa yang menyangka, bahwa ia teguh berdiri, hati-hatilah supaya ia jangan jatuh!
1 Kor 10:12
Biarlah kita bisa lebih peduli dengan keadaan sekitar kita, menyadari dan waspada akan tipu muslihat iblis, dan mendoakan agar Tuhan mau menolong dan memulihkan generasi ini.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Time Out!! - A Call to Re-Introspect the Sexual Trend in Our Society - Part II
Sexual Trend Di Layar Perak
Beberapa hari kemudian saya nemuin pengumuman ini di koran.
Bagus sih bagus, pemerintah take action untuk ini. Mengingatkan masyarakatnya untuk "mind their morals".
Tapi yang buat saya bertanya-tanya adalah........ kalau tahu film-film tersebut "have infringed the bounderies of what is morally acceptable", lha kok masih dibiarkan beredar toh?? Kenapa ga di-banned aja sekalian? Justru dengan taro pengumuman kaya gitu malah memicu orang-orang yang tadinya ga tertarik nonton/ ga tau tentang film tsb untuk nonton! Pake pasang websitenya pula! Suruh jangan lihat. Lha? Makin dilarang, orang makin sengaja. Makanya ada perkataan: 'Peraturan dibuat untuk dilanggar'. -_-!! Saya curiga... apa pengumuman yang mengatasnamakan "Department of Appropriate Behavior" ini cuma fiksi yang menjadi bagian promosi film-film tsb yah? Hmmm......................
Tapi memang benar bahwa sekarang film-film yang mengumbar seksualitas sedang marak-maraknya.
Lihat aja deretan film-film berikut:
Film-film tsb cukup terkenal, dan salah satu faktor yang membuat film tersebut populer adalah unsur sexual didalamnya.
Yang paling menyedihkan... Film-film tsb sebagian besar diperuntukkan untuk konsumsi remaja! 1 film yang populer saat ini adalah Gossip Girl. Ceitanya seputar remaja n pergaulan bebas mereka. Lihat bagaimana para pembuat film ga ragu menjual film tsb dengan tag line "Every parent's nightmare". Seakan ga puas dengan film-film yang baru saat ini, ada pula remake film lama yang dulunya memang terkenal menyajikan kehidupan remaja dengan kehidupan free sex mereka tentunya - Beverly Hills 90210.
Lho, film Barat kan emang pada gitu... Well, film Indo juga ga kalah vulgar. Saat ini sedang marak-maraknya beredar film yang menyerempet aktivitas seksual, mereka sebut "Komedi Nakal"
Indo mungkin cukup strict, dimana adegan paling "parah" mungkin sampai ciuman bibir doank (Kalo lebih dari itu tentunya ada FPI yang akan bertindak), tapi jangan salah... adegan-adegan / dialog yang menyerempet kearah-arah seksual itu juga berbahaya. Dan tinggal tunggu waktunya sampai film Indo ga jauh beda ama film Barat yang mengumbar seksualitas / aktivitas seksual. Bahkan sudah ada 1 film (ML - poster ketiga) yang di-banned karena dianggap porno.
Beberapa hari kemudian saya nemuin pengumuman ini di koran.
Bagus sih bagus, pemerintah take action untuk ini. Mengingatkan masyarakatnya untuk "mind their morals".
Tapi yang buat saya bertanya-tanya adalah........ kalau tahu film-film tersebut "have infringed the bounderies of what is morally acceptable", lha kok masih dibiarkan beredar toh?? Kenapa ga di-banned aja sekalian? Justru dengan taro pengumuman kaya gitu malah memicu orang-orang yang tadinya ga tertarik nonton/ ga tau tentang film tsb untuk nonton! Pake pasang websitenya pula! Suruh jangan lihat. Lha? Makin dilarang, orang makin sengaja. Makanya ada perkataan: 'Peraturan dibuat untuk dilanggar'. -_-!! Saya curiga... apa pengumuman yang mengatasnamakan "Department of Appropriate Behavior" ini cuma fiksi yang menjadi bagian promosi film-film tsb yah? Hmmm......................
Tapi memang benar bahwa sekarang film-film yang mengumbar seksualitas sedang marak-maraknya.
Lihat aja deretan film-film berikut:
Yang paling menyedihkan... Film-film tsb sebagian besar diperuntukkan untuk konsumsi remaja! 1 film yang populer saat ini adalah Gossip Girl. Ceitanya seputar remaja n pergaulan bebas mereka. Lihat bagaimana para pembuat film ga ragu menjual film tsb dengan tag line "Every parent's nightmare". Seakan ga puas dengan film-film yang baru saat ini, ada pula remake film lama yang dulunya memang terkenal menyajikan kehidupan remaja dengan kehidupan free sex mereka tentunya - Beverly Hills 90210.
Lho, film Barat kan emang pada gitu... Well, film Indo juga ga kalah vulgar. Saat ini sedang marak-maraknya beredar film yang menyerempet aktivitas seksual, mereka sebut "Komedi Nakal"
Indo mungkin cukup strict, dimana adegan paling "parah" mungkin sampai ciuman bibir doank (Kalo lebih dari itu tentunya ada FPI yang akan bertindak), tapi jangan salah... adegan-adegan / dialog yang menyerempet kearah-arah seksual itu juga berbahaya. Dan tinggal tunggu waktunya sampai film Indo ga jauh beda ama film Barat yang mengumbar seksualitas / aktivitas seksual. Bahkan sudah ada 1 film (ML - poster ketiga) yang di-banned karena dianggap porno.
Number of Sexual Scenes on TV Nearly Double Since 1998
Rate of “Safer Sex” Messages, Up From ’98, Has Now Leveled Off
Despite Overall Increase in Sexual Content, Scenes with Sexual Intercourse are Down Slightly in Recent Years
Washington, D.C. – The number of sexual scenes on television has nearly doubled since 1998, according to Sex on TV 4, a biennial study released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation. And while the inclusion of references to “safer sex” issues – such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or possible consequences of unprotected sex – has also increased since 1998, that rate has leveled off in recent years. The study examined a representative sample of more than 1,000 hours of programming including all genres other than daily newscasts, sports events, and children’s shows. All sexual content was measured, including talk about sex and sexual behavior.
The study found that 70% of all shows include some sexual content, and that these shows average 5.0 sexual scenes per hour, compared to 56% and 3.2 scenes per hour respectively in 1998, and 64% and 4.4 scenes per hour in 2002. These increases combined represent nearly twice as many scenes of sexual content on TV since 1998 (going from 1,930 to 3,780 scenes in the program sample totaling a 96% increase between 1998 and 2005). But despite these overall increases in sexual content, the number of shows in which sexual intercourse is either depicted or strongly implied is down slightly in recent years (7% in 1998, 14% in 2002, and 11% in 2005).
Among shows with any sexual content, 14% include at least one scene with a reference to sexual risks or responsibilities – up from 9% in 1998, but approximately the same rate as in 2002 (15%). In shows with intercourse-related content, more than one in four (27%) includes a reference to sexual risks or responsibilities. This is nearly double the rate found in 1998 (14%), but approximately the same as in 2002 (26%).
“Given how high the stakes are, the messages TV sends teens about sex are important,” said Vicky Rideout, a Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President who oversaw the study. “Television has the power to bring issues of sexual risk and responsibility to life in a way that no sex ed class or public health brochure really can.”
Sex on TV 4 was released today at a forum that included opening remarks by Kaiser Family Foundation President and CEO Drew Altman, a keynote speech by Senator Barack Obama, and a roundtable discussion featuring Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy; Fox Television Networks President and CEO Tony Vinciquerra; Law & Order: SVU Executive Producer Neal Baer; behavioral scientist and RAND Corporation Researcher, Rebecca Collins; and National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Executive Director Sarah Brown. A webcast of the event will be available after 5 p.m. ET today at http://www.kaisernetwork.org/healthcast/kff/09nov05 .
“The increase in the number of TV shows with sexual content, combined with the increase in sexual scenes per show has led to a dramatic overall increase in sexual content on TV since 1998,” said Dale Kunkel, lead researcher on the study and University of Arizona professor. “During the same period, the percentage of these shows that include “safer sex” messages has also increased significantly, but has leveled off in recent years.”
Additional findings:
Sexual Content on TV
* Among the top 20 most watched shows by teens, 70% include sexual content, and nearly half (45%) include sexual behavior. * During prime time hours sex is even more common with nearly 8 in 10 (77%) shows including sexual content, averaging 5.9 sexual scenes per hour. * Two-thirds (68%) of all shows include talk about sex and 35% of all shows include sexual behaviors. * Reality shows are the only genre of programming in which less than two-thirds (28%) of shows include sexual content. The percentage of shows with sexual content by genre includes movies 92%, sitcoms 87%, drama series 87%, and soap operas 85%.
Safer Sex Messages
* Two-thirds of all references to sexual risks or responsibilities on TV are “minor or inconsequential,” compared to one-third that are “substantial” or “primary” elements of the scene. Since the first study was conducted in 1998 this ratio has remained consistent. * One in nine (11%) network prime time shows with sex include a reference to risks or responsibilities. This rate in prime time has held relatively steady over the years – 11% in 1998 and 13% in 2002. * Among the 20 most highly rated shows for teen viewers, 10% of those with sexual content include a reference to sexual risks or responsibilities at some point in the episode. “Over the past seven years, more and more Hollywood writers have incorporated health messages into their programming,” said Vicky Rideout. “But the potential is there to do much more.”
Sexual Intercourse
* The vast majority (89%) of characters on TV involved in sexual intercourse appear to be adults age 25 or older. One in ten (10%) appear to be teens or young adults, down from one in four (26%) in 1998 and one in six (17%) in 2002. * About half of all scenes with intercourse (53%) involve characters who have an established relationship with one another. Fifteen percent of scenes present characters having sex when they have just met – up from 7% in 2002.
Rate of “Safer Sex” Messages, Up From ’98, Has Now Leveled Off
Despite Overall Increase in Sexual Content, Scenes with Sexual Intercourse are Down Slightly in Recent Years
Washington, D.C. – The number of sexual scenes on television has nearly doubled since 1998, according to Sex on TV 4, a biennial study released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation. And while the inclusion of references to “safer sex” issues – such as waiting to have sex, using protection, or possible consequences of unprotected sex – has also increased since 1998, that rate has leveled off in recent years. The study examined a representative sample of more than 1,000 hours of programming including all genres other than daily newscasts, sports events, and children’s shows. All sexual content was measured, including talk about sex and sexual behavior.
The study found that 70% of all shows include some sexual content, and that these shows average 5.0 sexual scenes per hour, compared to 56% and 3.2 scenes per hour respectively in 1998, and 64% and 4.4 scenes per hour in 2002. These increases combined represent nearly twice as many scenes of sexual content on TV since 1998 (going from 1,930 to 3,780 scenes in the program sample totaling a 96% increase between 1998 and 2005). But despite these overall increases in sexual content, the number of shows in which sexual intercourse is either depicted or strongly implied is down slightly in recent years (7% in 1998, 14% in 2002, and 11% in 2005).
Among shows with any sexual content, 14% include at least one scene with a reference to sexual risks or responsibilities – up from 9% in 1998, but approximately the same rate as in 2002 (15%). In shows with intercourse-related content, more than one in four (27%) includes a reference to sexual risks or responsibilities. This is nearly double the rate found in 1998 (14%), but approximately the same as in 2002 (26%).
“Given how high the stakes are, the messages TV sends teens about sex are important,” said Vicky Rideout, a Kaiser Family Foundation Vice President who oversaw the study. “Television has the power to bring issues of sexual risk and responsibility to life in a way that no sex ed class or public health brochure really can.”
Sex on TV 4 was released today at a forum that included opening remarks by Kaiser Family Foundation President and CEO Drew Altman, a keynote speech by Senator Barack Obama, and a roundtable discussion featuring Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Kathleen Abernathy; Fox Television Networks President and CEO Tony Vinciquerra; Law & Order: SVU Executive Producer Neal Baer; behavioral scientist and RAND Corporation Researcher, Rebecca Collins; and National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy Executive Director Sarah Brown. A webcast of the event will be available after 5 p.m. ET today at http://www.kaisernetwork.org/healthcast/kff/09nov05 .
“The increase in the number of TV shows with sexual content, combined with the increase in sexual scenes per show has led to a dramatic overall increase in sexual content on TV since 1998,” said Dale Kunkel, lead researcher on the study and University of Arizona professor. “During the same period, the percentage of these shows that include “safer sex” messages has also increased significantly, but has leveled off in recent years.”
Additional findings:
Sexual Content on TV
* Among the top 20 most watched shows by teens, 70% include sexual content, and nearly half (45%) include sexual behavior. * During prime time hours sex is even more common with nearly 8 in 10 (77%) shows including sexual content, averaging 5.9 sexual scenes per hour. * Two-thirds (68%) of all shows include talk about sex and 35% of all shows include sexual behaviors. * Reality shows are the only genre of programming in which less than two-thirds (28%) of shows include sexual content. The percentage of shows with sexual content by genre includes movies 92%, sitcoms 87%, drama series 87%, and soap operas 85%.
Safer Sex Messages
* Two-thirds of all references to sexual risks or responsibilities on TV are “minor or inconsequential,” compared to one-third that are “substantial” or “primary” elements of the scene. Since the first study was conducted in 1998 this ratio has remained consistent. * One in nine (11%) network prime time shows with sex include a reference to risks or responsibilities. This rate in prime time has held relatively steady over the years – 11% in 1998 and 13% in 2002. * Among the 20 most highly rated shows for teen viewers, 10% of those with sexual content include a reference to sexual risks or responsibilities at some point in the episode. “Over the past seven years, more and more Hollywood writers have incorporated health messages into their programming,” said Vicky Rideout. “But the potential is there to do much more.”
Sexual Intercourse
* The vast majority (89%) of characters on TV involved in sexual intercourse appear to be adults age 25 or older. One in ten (10%) appear to be teens or young adults, down from one in four (26%) in 1998 and one in six (17%) in 2002. * About half of all scenes with intercourse (53%) involve characters who have an established relationship with one another. Fifteen percent of scenes present characters having sex when they have just met – up from 7% in 2002.
- Kaiser Family Foundation
Apakah gaya hidup para remaja yang mengarah ke pergaulan bebas disebabkan karena acara-acara TV yang sarat dengan adegan seks?
to be continued...
Time Out!! - A Call to Re-Introspect the Sexual Trend in Our Society - Part I
Posting ini udah lama mau saya bikin. Bahan-bahan yang didapat adalah hasil yang sudah saya kumpulkan dari November tahun lalu.
Beberapa hal berikut ini membuat saya semakin sadar bahwa dunia ini semakin terpuruk, moral masyarakatnya semakin rusak....
Sexual Trend Di Media Massa - Majalah
Take a look at this:
Buku ini didapat housemate saya, (kalo ga salah) dibagiin di jalan.
Pertamanya sih dia pikir buku ini kaya majalah biasa yang mempromosikan SG. Dia memang benar. Majalah ini memang mempromosikan SG. Selain mempromosikan tempat-tempat wisata di SG, juga ada ini....
Di artikel ini, bukan saja menceritakan tentang prostitusi di SG, tapi juga mencantumkan dengan jelas dimana saja lokasi tempat mangkal para prostitutenya!! Seakan-akan mempromosikan... (Lokasinya sudah saya buat blur - maaf mengecewakan hehehe ^^) Click the article to enlarge.
Sexual Trend Di Puppet Show
Dulu sebagian dari kita mungkin suka nonton film anak-anak "Sesame Street". Well... saya adalah salah satu fansnya hehehe.. Dulu waktu masih kecil, jam 8 pagi saya udah bangun n stand by didepan TV. Ga sabar mau nonton Sesame Street. Film ini sarat dengan pendidikan, dan yang membuat saya senang belajar dan bisa berbahasa Inggris (at least lebih lancar dibanding teman-teman seumuran saya lainnya :P) adalah film ini :)
Sekarang ada 1 pertunjukkan puppet yang katanya mirip-mirip ama Sesame Street TAPI ini khusus dewasa.
Avenue Q adalah 1 pertunjukkan yang cukup populer. Kenapa populer? Apa yang menjadi keunikan para tokohnya? Click to enlarge...
Sedihnya, pertunjukkan ini menyajikan para tokoh yang melakukan tindakan amoral seperti pelacuran, homosex, ketagihan pornografi, nudity (sekalipun hanya panggung boneka, tetapi yang harus kita liat adalah pesan dibalik pertunjukan tersebut).
But others seem don't mind with it.. Pertunjukkan ini sukses.. People love it..
Hmm... mungkin sekarang udah ada pembaca yang bilang, "What's the big deal? It's just a puppet show! No big deal! You just overreact". Well.. mungkin saya overreact, tapi hal-hal yang kelihatan sepele ini sebenarnya patut diwaspadai, karena terhadap hal-hal yang sepele inilah 'pertahanan' kita lemah.
Pesan-pesan tentang sexual immorality sudah merambah ke dunia puppet show (yang biasanya ditujukan untuk konsumsi anak-anak), tapi bukan itu saja.. bahkan sudah merambah ke komik.
Sexual Trend Di Komik
I like to read comic strips. Dan suatu hari saya nemuin 1 website yang penuh dengan berbagai comic strips. Ada 1 bagian yang cukup menarik...
Silakan dibaca (Click to enlarge)
Jadi ceritanya, pengarang komik B.C. (Johnny Hart) sudah meninggal, tapi komiknya masih diteruskan ama keluarga + teman-temannya. Tapi lihat perbedaan kedua komik antara pre- and post- Johnny Hart days.
Dari sini saya bisa benar-benar melihat bahwa... generasi sekarang semakin rapuh. Karena penasaran, saya mulai membaca comic strips ini dari awal. Lihat apa yang saya dapat...
Ini waktu Johnny Hart yang buat...
Benar-benar ketauan banget kalau he is a Christian. Dan dia ga malu/risih/takut untuk memasang comic strips yang satu ini! Kata siapa comic strips harus selalu lucu? Ga harus seperti itu. Yang terpenting adalah pesannya.
Saya jadi merenung... kalau saya jadi penulis comic strips, apakah saya mau memampang comic strips kaya gini? Atau saya lebih baik cari ide lain, bikin cerita yang lucu. Afterall, comic strips kan dibuat untuk menghibur pembacanya, bikin mereka tertawa/ terhibur? Bukankah itu yang pembaca mau? Bukankah itu yang penerbit mau? Tapi apakah itu yang Tuhan mau.....
Kalau comic strip diatas belum dengan jelas mencantumkan "siapa yang dimaksud", maka comic strip yang satu ini dengan jelas memampang nama Jesus! Wow!
Saya rasa Johnny Hart ga peduli dengan reaksi orang-orang yang baca komiknya. Mungkin sebagian merasa komiknya ga lucu, mungki para atheis mengolok-olok dia. Saya ga tau apa reaksinya waktu baca surat-surat dari pembaca yang mengkritik komik dia, tapi yang saya lihat... dia ga ragu untuk menunjukkan imannya!
Saya juga baca beberapa comic strips post- Johnny Hart days (Maap yah ga ditaro disini.. lebih baik ga ditaro deh, ga gitu bagus sih). Memang benar-benar beda... Selain yang dibandingkan di website tersebut, ada cerita lainnya.
Di comic strips B.C. ini ada tokoh keluarga semut. Waktu jamannya Johnny Hart yang buat, keluarga semut ini terlihat harmonis, tentunya ada kenakalan yang suka dilakukan ama semut junior, tapi other than that ga ada hal lainnya. Keluarga semut ini bahagia. Tapi waktu jamannya post- Johnny Hart days, keluarga semut ini digambarkan sebagai keluarga yang rusak. Papa semut selingkuh n mo cerai dengan istrinya, suka pergi ke club penari striptease, keduanya suka bertengkar dsbnya. See the difference? Harus diakui bahwa comic strips kadang menggambarkan masa dimana komik tsb dibuat, mengangkat issue-issue yang sedang hangat dibicarakan. Makanya, kadang comic strips dipakai untuk menyindir pemerintah dsbnya.. So? Kalau melihat perubahan comic strips tsb, kita bisa lihat perubahan keadaan dunia sekitarnya juga..
Okay.. puppet show, comic strips, now what? Kayanya terlalu berlebihan deh...
Is it?
to be continued...
Beberapa hal berikut ini membuat saya semakin sadar bahwa dunia ini semakin terpuruk, moral masyarakatnya semakin rusak....
Sexual Trend Di Media Massa - Majalah
Take a look at this:
Buku ini didapat housemate saya, (kalo ga salah) dibagiin di jalan.
Pertamanya sih dia pikir buku ini kaya majalah biasa yang mempromosikan SG. Dia memang benar. Majalah ini memang mempromosikan SG. Selain mempromosikan tempat-tempat wisata di SG, juga ada ini....
Di artikel ini, bukan saja menceritakan tentang prostitusi di SG, tapi juga mencantumkan dengan jelas dimana saja lokasi tempat mangkal para prostitutenya!! Seakan-akan mempromosikan... (Lokasinya sudah saya buat blur - maaf mengecewakan hehehe ^^) Click the article to enlarge.
Sexual Trend Di Puppet Show
Dulu sebagian dari kita mungkin suka nonton film anak-anak "Sesame Street". Well... saya adalah salah satu fansnya hehehe.. Dulu waktu masih kecil, jam 8 pagi saya udah bangun n stand by didepan TV. Ga sabar mau nonton Sesame Street. Film ini sarat dengan pendidikan, dan yang membuat saya senang belajar dan bisa berbahasa Inggris (at least lebih lancar dibanding teman-teman seumuran saya lainnya :P) adalah film ini :)
Sekarang ada 1 pertunjukkan puppet yang katanya mirip-mirip ama Sesame Street TAPI ini khusus dewasa.
Avenue Q adalah 1 pertunjukkan yang cukup populer. Kenapa populer? Apa yang menjadi keunikan para tokohnya? Click to enlarge...
Sedihnya, pertunjukkan ini menyajikan para tokoh yang melakukan tindakan amoral seperti pelacuran, homosex, ketagihan pornografi, nudity (sekalipun hanya panggung boneka, tetapi yang harus kita liat adalah pesan dibalik pertunjukan tersebut).
But others seem don't mind with it.. Pertunjukkan ini sukses.. People love it..
Hmm... mungkin sekarang udah ada pembaca yang bilang, "What's the big deal? It's just a puppet show! No big deal! You just overreact". Well.. mungkin saya overreact, tapi hal-hal yang kelihatan sepele ini sebenarnya patut diwaspadai, karena terhadap hal-hal yang sepele inilah 'pertahanan' kita lemah.
Pesan-pesan tentang sexual immorality sudah merambah ke dunia puppet show (yang biasanya ditujukan untuk konsumsi anak-anak), tapi bukan itu saja.. bahkan sudah merambah ke komik.
Sexual Trend Di Komik
I like to read comic strips. Dan suatu hari saya nemuin 1 website yang penuh dengan berbagai comic strips. Ada 1 bagian yang cukup menarik...
Silakan dibaca (Click to enlarge)
Jadi ceritanya, pengarang komik B.C. (Johnny Hart) sudah meninggal, tapi komiknya masih diteruskan ama keluarga + teman-temannya. Tapi lihat perbedaan kedua komik antara pre- and post- Johnny Hart days.
Dari sini saya bisa benar-benar melihat bahwa... generasi sekarang semakin rapuh. Karena penasaran, saya mulai membaca comic strips ini dari awal. Lihat apa yang saya dapat...
Ini waktu Johnny Hart yang buat...
Benar-benar ketauan banget kalau he is a Christian. Dan dia ga malu/risih/takut untuk memasang comic strips yang satu ini! Kata siapa comic strips harus selalu lucu? Ga harus seperti itu. Yang terpenting adalah pesannya.
Saya jadi merenung... kalau saya jadi penulis comic strips, apakah saya mau memampang comic strips kaya gini? Atau saya lebih baik cari ide lain, bikin cerita yang lucu. Afterall, comic strips kan dibuat untuk menghibur pembacanya, bikin mereka tertawa/ terhibur? Bukankah itu yang pembaca mau? Bukankah itu yang penerbit mau? Tapi apakah itu yang Tuhan mau.....
Kalau comic strip diatas belum dengan jelas mencantumkan "siapa yang dimaksud", maka comic strip yang satu ini dengan jelas memampang nama Jesus! Wow!
Saya rasa Johnny Hart ga peduli dengan reaksi orang-orang yang baca komiknya. Mungkin sebagian merasa komiknya ga lucu, mungki para atheis mengolok-olok dia. Saya ga tau apa reaksinya waktu baca surat-surat dari pembaca yang mengkritik komik dia, tapi yang saya lihat... dia ga ragu untuk menunjukkan imannya!
Saya juga baca beberapa comic strips post- Johnny Hart days (Maap yah ga ditaro disini.. lebih baik ga ditaro deh, ga gitu bagus sih). Memang benar-benar beda... Selain yang dibandingkan di website tersebut, ada cerita lainnya.
Di comic strips B.C. ini ada tokoh keluarga semut. Waktu jamannya Johnny Hart yang buat, keluarga semut ini terlihat harmonis, tentunya ada kenakalan yang suka dilakukan ama semut junior, tapi other than that ga ada hal lainnya. Keluarga semut ini bahagia. Tapi waktu jamannya post- Johnny Hart days, keluarga semut ini digambarkan sebagai keluarga yang rusak. Papa semut selingkuh n mo cerai dengan istrinya, suka pergi ke club penari striptease, keduanya suka bertengkar dsbnya. See the difference? Harus diakui bahwa comic strips kadang menggambarkan masa dimana komik tsb dibuat, mengangkat issue-issue yang sedang hangat dibicarakan. Makanya, kadang comic strips dipakai untuk menyindir pemerintah dsbnya.. So? Kalau melihat perubahan comic strips tsb, kita bisa lihat perubahan keadaan dunia sekitarnya juga..
Okay.. puppet show, comic strips, now what? Kayanya terlalu berlebihan deh...
Is it?
to be continued...
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